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Kibibyte: Website Updates!

2022-08-28: New stuff! AGRtv became Cubix, I wrote a new article, and stuff! I'm also back to school!

2022-05-14: New president and vice president, huge updates! First up, Ken 3D Blast would be restarted and delayed, then I launched AGRtv, which is available on the player in this page (uses Javascript, ironically.) More huge updates here on my site, I barely followed up.

2022-05-02: I am currently working on a new page and I gonna move most of the styling for both desktop and mobile versions to CSS...

2022-04-29: Yo! I'm now available on Gemini! Go to your favorite Gemini client and go to
gemini:// or click here if you don't want to install an another browser. Happy 2nd monthsary!

2022-04-28: I overhauled the The Blue Pages! But of course, I need to work on Ken 3D Blast. Script is 10% completed. Check out my projects page for more info!

2022-04-27: New scrollbars! Sadly the Webkit browsers has the full platinum theme. (Darn it Firefox!)

2022-04-27: Welcome to Kibibyte! This is where I post constant updates on my website. For today's Kibibyte, The text version of this website is now styled via CSS!

Favorite operating system?

ARCHIVED PAGE! If you want to view the new one, go to the new layout. | New blog post appears! Click here! | I have a ton of Linux distros.... | AGRtv is now Cubix! | That's it, GUI section is under way.

Welcome to AGR Classic!

Welcome to my blog in Neocities! If you want either the WordPress one or the text-only one, then you must now go to the sidebar.

Hello there and welcome to my website in classic form! This website hosts other things besides my blog like projects or etc.

I mainly focused on retro computing and games, game development and stuff. Check out my thoughts in my blog, or check out other fun stuff in the navigation bar. Ciya!

About me

My name is Alexis (he/him/his), I'm 14 years old, and I love exploring tech and gaming. My favorite OSes were Linux, Windows 2000 and Classic Mac OS. I'm using a Windows 10 PC with plans on dualbooting it with Linux. I'm in Grade 8 and there's a lot things that I needed to explore like coding.

This page was last updated at Sunday, May 8, 2022 11:43:06 PM.

Best viewed at 800x600 and higher.

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AGR logoPlease visit AGR for cool and fun stuff! Also check him out on YouTube!

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The Yesterweb Ring

This site, Alexis Gaming Reviews,
is keeping the old web alive.
Thanks, Alexis!

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